Thursday, December 1, 2016

Green display feathers on necks of white-winged doves

About midday I was out in the yard with my 8 X 36 monarchs hoping for an overflight of geese, or the little bird that showed up yesterday for a few minutes, but found only doves to look at.   So I looked at doves.   White winged doves, at under 20 feet.

Saw a dash of green on the side of the neck just below and a little to the rear of the black neck marks.   Saw the same on another dove that seemed to be paired with that one.  

Looking closely, it was a spray of individual feathers that had that bright green cast.  Similar to the gorget of certain hummingbirds but smaller in area.   Individual green feathers in a field of gray feathers, that gives a green shimmer when the light is at the right angle.

Gonna check my books to see if this has been reported.  

1 comment:

  1. Observation confirmed again yesterday. Flash of green hues in a little patch on the neck.

    Wonder what birds would look like if we could see into the ultraviolet, as some birds do.
