Rich florid song from the top of a utility pole this morning and it wasn't a mockingbird. It was a curvebill thrasher. Hadn't seen them lately, but there it was.
Two houses away there was some kind of medium size bird with red on it high in a tree. Went to get binoculars and found it gone. Possible robin. Did see a robin last week on Ave. Q.
Monday at 7:30 pm I saw a flock of those smallish black birds over University Ave at Broadway heading low to the Tech campus. They DO go east in the morning and west in the evening. Looked like they might be headed to roost in the TTU trees, as low as they were. This morning at 7 I was in the kitchen doors and windows closed and heard a ruckus outside. It was those birds flying over, headed east.
The female pyrrhuloxia is quite demanding about seed, flying over near me whereever I am and making her presence known. I am not trying to make her a pet, but she is sometimes within 2 feet of my hand when I put the seed in the feeder.
The dove population is way down from the 25-30 birds that came around late summer and fall. Now there are fewer than 10 and rarely more than 5 at a time. about half white-wing doves.
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